In the past, Exposure Tour teams have been coached by international coaches and U.S. collegiate coaches, including National Team coaches from Slovenia and Norway, Portugese FIVB instructor, Paulo Cunha, USA National Team assistant coach, Kevin Hambly, and UNLV head coach and former Olympian, Deitre Collins. Cory Solomon, Recruiting Coordinator for Bring It Promotions and former University of Utah assistant coach, has also been on hand for previous Exposure Tour coaching responsibilities. On any given tour, there may also be several U.S. collegiate coaches with you, so there will be no shortage of high-quality coaching. The added benefit of having international coaches involved with your Exposure Tour is the connection you will have to numerous other professional clubs in Europe. For example, having a Portugese FIVB instructor on your tour can equate to more professional playing opportunities—in Portugal and elsewhere—at the conclusion of your Exposure Tour.