January Euro-Exposure Tour (JEET ’13)

Basic Player Info

In order to make the tour concept viable, each player pays his own airfare to Europe and then pays what basically amounts to his or her portion of ground transportation, lodging, and meals. Players should also have pocket money for snacks, sightseeing adventures, and other incidental costs, with the approximate tour cost usually set at […]

2014-04-10T19:41:22+02:00April 3rd, 2013|

Club Fusion 18s

March 25-28: Villas de Palermo in San Juan del Sur
While in San Juan del Sur we’ll surf at Playa Hermosa (Survivor filmed here), visit the Los Pipitos school for the special needs, visit other local elementary schools, and work on a cleaning/painting project for 4 x elementary schools in the rural area south of town. […]

2014-04-10T19:41:52+02:00April 3rd, 2013|
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