This is a complicated question these days. From 2000 to 2003 we ran an International Recruiting Service and helped about 100 foreign girls get scholarships in the USA during that time. We tried our best to run the service in a fair way for all coaches, but with stricter NCAA regulations popping up, the prevalence of information on the internet (and the advent of Google) and our friendships with several coaches in the NCAA ranks, it became too difficult to keep up with demand and also contain the conflicts of interest that constantly plagued our little business. We also just don’t have the time to check the “legality” of every girl as well as we once could.

At this point in time we still spend over 200 days a year on tour and watching volleyball matches across the world. Many of the teams that we visit or see have good players in the age range of 15-20, and some of these players do speak English. In some cases they are 100% “legal” and in some cases they are less so. Some are “pros”, some have played with “pros”, and some are 100% amateur. Some are interested in playing in the USA, and many have no idea that the possibility exists.

The problem lies in the fact that we just don’t have the time or inclination to find out who is who anymore, and unless they actively pursue us for information about going to the USA, this “resource” goes untapped by us. Therefore, the best way for us to assist coaches in finding foreign players is to have them on tour with us meeting these players and their coaches and/or managers to set up relationships for the future as well.