Bring it Promotions can find the best professional playing environment for you both financially and geographically to ensure that you are getting the most out of your foreign professional experience while competing at the highest possible level. We not only find you a team and negotiate on your behalf, but also remain accessible to you throughout your contract. Players of your caliber can earn significant amounts of money playing in foreign leagues and can be placed on good teams in competitive countries. In most cases you will be one of the premier players—if not the premier player—on your team. The workload and level of expectation is higher, of course, but there can be rewards for hard work. Additionally, National Team players can utilize Bring It Promotions even if you are not playing overseas. At your request, we can handle negotiations directly with the US Volleyball Federation on your behalf, keep you abreast of potential future deals in foreign countries, introduce you to some of the world’s top division coaches and team managers, and begin marketing you for the future. Finally, when foreign teams need short-term players (occasional two-week to one-month stints) to qualify for a tournament or to remain in their country’s top division, they are often willing to pay a decent salary for a “quick fix” player. Bring It Promotions will inform you of all such opportunities to earn extra money, especially when those scenarios arise during National Team off-seasons.