2. How does the level of volleyball in Europe compare to collegiate volleyball in the United States?

Professional leagues in Europe are not necessarily a vertical step up from college. European professional teams are often less organized and have fewer resources most universities in the United States. Depending on where you go, the training may or may not be as strenuous as your collegiate training. Suffice it to say, however, that if […]

2017-10-27T17:52:53+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

3. What’s the difference between Champions League, CEV Cup, and CEV Challenge Cup?

The top countries throughout Europe play in multi-country playoff tournaments to determine the best teams in all of Europe for any given year. Champions League, CEV Cup, and CEV Challenge Cup are international, cream-of-the-crop tournaments.

Champions League is the highest-level tournament consisting of the top team from most of the best countries.

CEV Cup and CEV Challenge […]

2017-10-27T17:52:12+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

5. What is a typical practice and playing schedule for a professional European team?

The number of times you practice in any given week depends on the country, the team, and the division in which you play. Many highly competitive European teams practice twice a day and compete at least once each weekend. Other mid- to lower-level teams practice three to four times each week and compete once on the […]

2017-10-27T17:50:51+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

7. How many foreign players can play on a team, and what is the likelihood of another American playing with me?

Normally, two or three foreign players are permitted on any one team. There are countries, however, that have an unlimited number of foreign spots. Examples include: Austria, Holland, Germany and Switzerland; Switzerland now requires 2 Swiss players on court at all times, not including libero. Spain can have 6 foreigners and Portugal permits up to 5. […]

2017-10-27T17:49:42+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

8. How much can I make playing in Europe?

Your salary depends on your skill level, the location, and the financial capabilities of the team. Professional contracts can range from a few hundred US dollars to $10,000 a month or more. Some contracts also include signing bonuses and performance-based incentives packages for wins. It is important to keep in mind that, aside from the very […]

2017-10-27T17:48:32+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

9. In addition to my salary, what else will be provided for in a professional contract?

Typical European contracts include provisions for a furnished apartment (usually to be shared with another foreign player on the team), one roundtrip airline ticket (to Europe at the beginning of the season and back to the States at the end of the season), health insurance, and sometimes the shared use of a car. Higher-profile contracts can […]

2017-10-27T17:47:51+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

10. What are the implications of the worldwide economy and European Union (EU) tax immigration laws?

In recent years the added tax burden from current EU laws has made it more difficult for teams to match the salary expectations of top-level players. As a result, player salaries are decreasing throughout Europe and in some cases players may have to work a side job in order to obtain the necessary visa to […]

2017-10-27T17:47:14+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

11. What happens if I get injured?

Most professional contracts include some type of formal health insurance. BIP highly recommends having some type of emergency insurance provider in the States as a back-up as well. If your injury is minor, local doctors, physical therapists, and athletic trainers will be equipped to treat you. Major injuries can also be treated in Europe, however most […]

2017-10-27T17:46:32+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

14. What if I break my playing contract?

We understand that emergencies happen in life and sometimes there’s just nothing you can do. However, it’s also important for players to understand that it teams have player add-on deadlines and pay high international transfer fees to get foreign players on their team. Breaking a contract after you have already signed and committed can literally destroy […]

2017-10-27T17:44:31+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

15. Can my partner come to Europe and live with me throughout the season?

This is not a simple yes or no answer. Great players playing on great teams in the most competitive countries have much more bargaining power for such accommodations. For second tier players, wanting your partner along usually counts as a strike against you in potential contract negotiations. By and large, most clubs in Europe would prefer […]

2017-10-27T17:42:42+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

18. What type of questions should I be asking of my agent or potential coach?

The most important questions should revolve around living situation in the city where the team trains and competes. Your living situation will have a big impact on how happy you are during the season. Other important questions include asking about the teammates you are playing with, whether there are other foreign players on the roster, […]

2017-10-27T17:39:46+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

1. What is included in a foreign volleyball tour managed by Bring It Promotions?

BIP turns your organizational nightmare into one of the easiest and most rewarding trips you will ever take. Your all-inclusive tour means that we handle all logistics once you arrive, so you don’t have to. All BIP foreign tours include: hotel accommodations, three meals a day, unlimited matches and training sessions, ground transportation overseas, daily sightseeing […]

2017-10-27T17:30:16+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

2. Why should we use Bring It Promotions rather than employ another tour management company?

Bring It Promotions has been hosting volleyball tours and helping players connect with foreign club teams in Europe since 1996. We have a vast network of connections to national volleyball federations, teams, and service providers. We’re also a dedicated volleyball agency. All of our tour guides have played volleyball. Other tour management companies do not […]

2017-10-27T17:29:42+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |
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