When do the tours take place?

Recently we have been running 2 Women’s Exposure Tours and 1 Men’s Exposure Tours annually. The tentative tour schedule can be found on our Exposure Tour page. Note that this will likely be the same schedule for future years.

2016-11-11T16:04:54+01:00April 10th, 2014|

How long are the tours?

Exposure Tours typically last 11 days/10 nights, again depending on the countries and the number of matches played.

2014-04-10T05:54:29+02:00April 10th, 2014|

How much does an Exposure Tour cost and what does that cost include?

Exposure Tours range in cost from $1200 to $1750 USD, depending on the countries, time of year, and amount of travel. The price is all-inclusive (sometimes excluding lunch) other than airfare from your desired city of origin. The price includes hotel accommodations, meals, and all bus transportation upon arrival in Europe. You are only required […]

2016-11-11T16:04:54+01:00April 10th, 2014|

What does a typical tour consist of?

Exposure Tours are designed, as the name suggests, to expose players to European professional volleyball. Throughout the Tour, the team will compete almost every night against some of the top professional teams available in the countries included in the tour. There will, of course, be plenty of sightseeing opportunities and fun to be had as […]

2014-04-10T05:53:49+02:00April 10th, 2014|

Is it necessary for me to go on an Exposure Tour in order to be represented by Bring It Promotions?

For non-USA National Team, collegiate 1st Team All-Americans, or top USA development pipeline players, coming on an Exposure Tour is 99.9% necessary to prove your level of play and more importantly, your commitment to the potential of living overseas. As noted previously, those players who have participated on an Exposure or University Tour will be […]

2014-04-10T05:53:32+02:00April 10th, 2014|

I keep hearing about new European tax and immigration laws. Is it really that much harder to get a job now than a few years ago?

Unfortunately, yes. With the European Union tightening its belt in regards to foreign workers, and a rough economy, it is getting harder and harder each year to place lower and mid-level players on teams. Teams simply can not afford someone unless they make the team better. Also, with an added tax burden from current EU […]

2014-04-10T05:52:04+02:00April 10th, 2014|

What happens if I get injured?

Your professional contract normally includes some type of formal health insurance. Bring It Promotions highly recommends having some type of emergency insurance provider in the States as a back-up as well. If your injury is minor, local doctors, physical therapists, and athletic trainers will be equipped to treat you. Major injuries can also be treated […]

2014-04-10T05:51:46+02:00April 10th, 2014|

I have heard rumors that some professional teams don’t pay and the player is left without their contracted salary. What happens if the team stops paying me or defaults on my salary?

Bring It Promotions has developed an extensive network of professional team contacts across the world and has placed players in 40+ different countries on 5 continents. Most, if not all, of our client placements are on teams that have already established a relationship with us. Although anything can happen, the situation is unlikely to occur. […]

2016-11-11T16:04:54+01:00April 10th, 2014|

Is there any chance that the professional team will cut me?

As with any job, if you do not perform you can be released without pay. However, such a scenario is highly unlikely, especially if you were on an Exposure Tour and the team had the chance to see you play prior to the signing of your contract. Most teams do not release players until the […]

2014-04-10T05:50:59+02:00April 10th, 2014|

What if I am married? Can my husband/wife come to Europe and live with me throughout the season?

Yes and no. Great players playing on great teams in the most competitive countries have much more bargaining power for such accommodations. For second tier players, wanting your spouse along usually counts as a strike against you in potential contract negotiations. By and large, most clubs in Europe would prefer individuals rather than couples because […]

2014-04-10T05:49:55+02:00April 10th, 2014|

Can I have friends or family visit me?

Of course, but the details of visits should always be coordinated with your team. Be aware, also, that despite having visitors from the States, you will still be required to be at all practice sessions and competitions.

2014-04-10T05:49:23+02:00April 10th, 2014|

How good is European professional volleyball?

It should first be noted that the highest levels of professional volleyball are not exclusive to Western Europe. In fact, Korea, Japan, and Brazil have some of the best (and highest paying) teams in the world. China is also hiring foreign players now, and the top teams have a lot of money. Within Europe, Italy […]

2014-04-10T05:44:53+02:00April 9th, 2014|

I keep hearing about the European Cups: Champions League, CEV Cup, and CEV Challenge Cup. What are these? Is it important for me to play on one of these teams?

Champions League, CEV Cup, and CEV Challenge Cup are international, cream-of-the-crop tournaments. Basically, some of the teams in the top countries play in multi-country playoffs to determine the best teams in all of Europe for any given year. Champions League is the highest level tournament; it consists of the top team from most of the […]

2014-04-10T05:44:59+02:00April 9th, 2014|

What is a typical practice/playing schedule?

The number of times you practice in any given week depends on the country, the team, and the division in which you play. Many highly competitive European teams practice twice a day and compete at least once each weekend. Other mid- to lower-level teams practice three to four times each week and compete once on […]

2014-04-10T05:45:09+02:00April 9th, 2014|

How much can I make playing in Europe?

Your salary depends on your skill level, where you play, and the financial capabilities of the team you play for. Professional contracts can range from a few hundred U.S. dollars to $10,000+ each month. Some contracts also include signing bonuses and performance-based incentives packages for wins. It is important to keep in mind that, aside […]

2014-04-10T05:45:27+02:00April 9th, 2014|

Aside from my salary, what else will be provided for in a professional contract?

Typical European contracts include provisions for a furnished apartment (usually to be shared with another foreign player on the team), one roundtrip airline ticket (to Europe at the beginning of the season and back to the States at the end of the season), health insurance, and sometimes the shared use of a car. Higher-profile contracts […]

2014-04-10T05:45:33+02:00April 9th, 2014|

What is the length of the season?

The typical European season begins sometime between August and October and ends sometime between March and May. The duration of your season depends entirely on the country, the team, and the playoff schedule for your particular league.

2014-04-10T05:45:39+02:00April 9th, 2014|
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