Your agent will guide you through this process, so you need to trust their advice. They are your liaison for getting the most out of an offer and have your best interest at heart. Trust their experience.

If you get an offer, you agent will contact you, tell you all details and YOU make the decision on whether you want to take the contract or not. They have already negotiated the best deal for you so there usually isn’t much wiggle room once a contract is offered. Discussing the offer with a family or friend is allowed, but this is YOUR future. As an adult, you have control over your decisions. If you came here for the right reasons, trust your gut when making a decision on an offer.

If you accept an offer, you will leave the tour pretty quickly to join the signing team in their city. The team will provide transportation for you to leave the tour. They will also provide all room and board for the remainder of the tour and until the terms of your contract start.