1. What is an Exposure Tour & how can it help me sign a professional contract?

BIP hosts Exposure Tours throughout Europe at strategic times throughout the year to help players find teams to play for. Each Exposure Tour comprises a group of individual players that sign up to train and play against European club teams together (typically without knowing one another upon arrival) with the goal of learning what professional […]

2017-10-30T17:25:33+01:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

2. When are the annual Exposure Tours?

Our two most popular and successful Exposure Tours are the annual January European Exposure Tour (Women) and the August Fire Sale (From 2018, this too will be Women only). Because the European volleyball season starts in September and typically ends in April or May, European teams usually sign foreign players during 3 periods:

April/May: Organized teams […]

2017-10-27T18:22:05+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

4. Will my experience and college career influence my ability to get a contract offer with a professional team?

Having played NCAA volleyball doesn’t always help one figure out how they will perform internationally. The systems, coaching styles and resources are completely different. Being able to perform in practice and in games is important, but it’s not everything. Professional clubs also measure your ability to be a great teammate and connect with the fan […]

2017-10-27T18:19:53+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

5. Is it possible to get signed before the tour?

It happens, but many teams want to wait and see how someone does in the European environment first. They pay a lot of money to sign someone (fees, Visa, plane tickets, etc.) and since they just can’t tell enough from college video, many wait for the tour. Keep in mind that 100+ teams watch the […]

2017-10-27T18:18:42+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

7. Should I list more than one position?

If you are capable of playing more than one position well, then you can be more desirable for teams. We strive to market you to the broadest possible audience.

This tour is not the time to try-out for another position that you haven’t played since high school. However, if you feel comfortable and strong switching positions then […]

2017-10-27T18:17:08+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

8. What happens if I get a contract?

If you receive an offer from a team then your agent will notify you and explain the terms the terms of the contract. Ultimately the decision is always up to you whether you want to accept the contract. There is very little negotiating room on the contracts delivered by the teams.

If you choose to accept […]

2017-10-27T18:17:15+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

9. Can I travel before or after the Exposure Tour?

Absolutely! We encourage you to travel in Europe either before or after the tour if possible. Many athletes have received contract offers after the tour ends so staying a week or two to travel on your own could be helpful. However, BIP does not plan or pay for any additional travel outside of the Exposure Tour […]

2017-10-27T18:17:23+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

10. How do I pack for a trip that could last as short as 10 days or up to 8 months?

Our best advice is to only take what you can carry through the airport by yourself regardless of how long you stay. Most European teams will not have athletic trainers accessible, therefore we strongly recommend using ankle braces rather than taping ankles. Otherwise we recommend brining the basic items that you’ll need for a tour […]

2017-10-30T17:18:29+01:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |

11. How much money should I bring on tour?

Most countries we travel in on tour operate on the currency of Euros. The best way to get Euros is to bring a debit or credit card that doesn’t charge you to use it in Europe or has no ATM withdrawal fees. Use the ATM machine at the airport or any bank you see to get […]

2017-10-27T18:17:41+02:00October 27th, 2017|Categories: |
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