So many questions to ask yourself here: 4 big questions with 4 sample Answers below:
1- Do you want to live in another country?
2- What are you willing to accept if you going to survive here on volleyball?
3-Can I do it without the immediate support of my friends, family, significant other, athletic trainer, english speaking coach or state of the art facility?
4- Am I willing to accept that I may not get a contract and have a backup plan back home?
If your answers resemble something like this, then this is a good choice for you:
1- YES, I want to live like a local while earning money as an athlete.
2- YES, is anything as long as I’m safe, happy and independent I will work hard for this life experience (this could include tutoring, coaching youth, working for the club etc. )
3- I love What’s App, Skype and Google.
4- If it’s meant to be it will be. This is an opportunity for a job. Like all job “interviews” you may not be made an offer.