Players and coaches who have traveled to Puerto Rico with Bring It Promotions, we need your support! Please help us raise $1,500 to support the earthquake relief effort in Puerto Rico.
Since December 28, 3019, our friends in Puerto Rico have been hit by a series of earthquakes, 6 of which were magnitude 5.0 or higher. An estimated 8,000+ people have lost their homes and are currently without shelter, water or electricity. Some residents are saying that the damage is worse than Hurricane Maria.
Bring It Promotions (BIP) and the Casa Llanta Fund have partnered with Coalicion de Coaliciones, a Puerto Rican non-profit organization that has coordinated emergency housing and medical services for the homeless in 54 municipalities on the island since 2003. The organization has been inundated with folks that urgently need shelter and basic supplies.
Make a donation by Paypal here: www.paypal.me/bringitusa
*Note: Be sure to specify that your donation is for Puerto Rico. Donations will not receive a tax ID receipt, however no admin fee will apply meaning that 100% of your donation will go directly to those in need.
You can also learn more about Coalicion de Coaliciones on their website here: coaliciondecoaliciones.org.